DAY 6: Back, Shoulders, and Biceps

DAY 6: Back, Shoulders, and Biceps


Warm up:

            500 m row machine


Progressive Overload – 4 sets of 10-12 Wide Grip Lat Pull downs – concentrate on retracting the shoulder blades and pulling with your lats. Full stretch and retraction.


Superset #1: x3-4

12 Seated Cable Rows with V-Bar Attachment – full stretch, retract shoulder blades and pull to mid chest

10/arm single arm seated cable rows – start with palm down and twist attachment so palms face in towards body


Circuit #2: x3-4

15/arm bent over DB rear delt fly

12/arm DB pull overs

10/arm seated DB concentration curl


 Circuit #3: x3-4

10 overhand BB row

10 BB upright row

10 BB curls

November 2017, Workouts 2017