DAY 2: Lower Body

DAY 2: Lower Body
Warm up: 5 minute incline walk + banded abductions
Superset #1: 3-4 sets
10/arm Smith Machine Step downs -when doing this exercise, you must only tap the ground with your heel, and land it slightly in front of body for more challenge.
30 feet elevated glute bridges
Superset #2: 3-4 sets
10/leg Single Leg Curl on ball or rower
10/leg Slider Split Squats (back foot on furniture slider or TRX. you may need to elevate toes of front foot on 10lb plate to keep work in front glute, hold weight if you can)
Superset#3: 3-4 sets
15/leg Single Leg Cable Abductors (bring leg behind other leg)
20/leg Single Leg Kneeling Cable Kick Backs